Partnership illustration


As healthcare and it’s delivery continues to get more complex, we’re placing more focus than ever on partnerships and collaboration to better understand and respond to the needs of our community, to continually upgrade the quality of life in the community and to improve access to quality of care to all those we serve.

Building stronger partnerships in our community also helps us to extend our brand and strengthen our position as a leader in palliative and end-of-life care in Scotland.

We quickly adapted our arts service so that patients and families could take part from home (Artwork by Pamela Curran)

We quickly adapted our arts service so that patients and families could take part from home (Artwork by Pamela Curran)

In 2020/21 we:

  • Developed a Compassionate Neighbours project through recruitment and training of 28 volunteers to work with and support people at home. Over the past 6 months this support has been virtual but will move to face to face as restrictions ease.
  • Established a Compassionate Communities team who cultivate and develop relationships with community groups across Lothian, helping to reshape attitudes and behaviours towards deteriorating health, dying and bereavement.

Our Compassionate Communities team is helping to reshape attitudes towards death and dying

Our Compassionate Communities team is helping to reshape attitudes towards death and dying

  • Shared new knowledge and created innovative ways of working to influence the wider provision of palliative and hospice care.
  • Used virtual consultation technology (ECHO) to support Care Home staff in learning best practice. Further ECHO networks have been established with NHS Lothian volunteers, the homelessness support teams and the Art in Palliative Care community to further enhance their practice.
  • Contributed to national work developing a national children’s and adult’s Bereavement Charter.

We've maintained and extended our networks through virtual consultations

We've maintained and extended our networks through virtual consultations

  • Worked in partnership with NHS Lothian and Marie Curie Hospice Edinburgh to maximise hospice support throughout the pandemic by reshaping and enhancing community based services.
  • Worked collaboratively with Scottish Hospices and Public Health Scotland to generate Hospice specific pandemic guidance.
  • Recruited a new Community Choir Facilitator who established a Virtual Hospice Choir.

Our team has been contributing to a national children's and adult’s Bereavement Charter

Our team has been contributing to a national children's and adult’s Bereavement Charter

  • Worked with CHAS and young adults to explore ways to improve the experience of young adults transitioning to adult palliative care services.
  • Developed a model of care for homeless people across Lothian in partnership with Marie Curie Hospice Edinburgh and supporting GP practices.
  • Further established joint fundraising initiatives in partnership with the other Scottish hospices in order to maximise national income generation opportunities. A significant gift of £1 million was shared across the Scottish hospices through this venture.

Digital advancements:

  • Developed our website to create engaging information on our Arts service.
  • Utilised the hospice website and social media pages to keep the public informed on the changing restrictions within the Hospice.
  • Created a new weekly electronic bulletin for volunteers to keep them connected with the Hospice during lockdown.
  • Utilised technology to support income generation throughout the pandemic. This included promoting contactless payments in shops, creating virtual events for supporters and virtual ‘in memory’ opportunities for families.
  • Provided comprehensive training for the Counselling and Bereavement service in order to provide virtual counselling support over the past 6 months.
  • Embraced ‘Zoom’ technology to maintain contact and relationships with our volunteer workforce throughout the lockdown period.
  • Hosted an online Time of Remembrance via social media.
  • Developed an online creative writing project funded by the Scottish Book Trust, with videos produced which are serving as resources on our website.
  • Further developed the Hospice website to ensure patients, families and the public have access to accurate and clear guidance on loss, grief and bereavement. Particular tools were provided for children and young people.
  • Developed and implemented a modern and robust IT system across all services which continues to support flexible and remote working.