Our amazing supporters

The work we carry out in the Hospice, and across our community, simply couldn’t happen without the support of our amazing donors.

Supporters illustration
Supporters charity cycle
Heart and hand icon

Donated income


Runners at the Edinburgh Marathon Festival
Shopping bags icon

Shop sales

Fundraising from Royal High School
A runner with their medal from the Edinburgh Marathon Festival
Supporters illustration

Taking part in runs, walks and cycles, attending dinners and lunches, buying in and donating to our much loved shops across Edinburgh and East Lothian, and playing our lottery are just some of the myriad ways our donors engage with the Hospice.

It’s a real community effort keeping our Hospice running, and last year our supporters once again showed us the incredible things they do to support us.

Supporters charity cycle

Total income last year rose by over half a million pounds to £8.45 million. Alongside funding from NHS Lothian of £2.25 million and investment income, the money received from donations, legacies and trading activities helps us ensure we can provide the best possible care to those who need our support.

Donated income rose from £1.2 million to £1.3 million. Some of the highlights in terms of donated income included our ever popular Light Up a Life Appeal which raised over £110,000, our second Walk to Remember in East Lothian which raised over £20,000 and our terrific Dragon Boat Race event, which involved our supporters getting physical (and a little wet!) for the Hospice.

Hand and heart icon

Donated income


Runners at the Edinburgh Marathon Festival

Out in the community, supporters dug deep and put change into cans and buckets across our patch, raising much needed funds. We were also delighted to work with groups of all varieties that chose to support us; from bowling clubs to primary schools, and scouts to church groups.

Significant corporate partnerships with Blackrock and Ocean Terminal continued and developed, alongside a whole host of smaller businesses and companies across Edinburgh. We also started a wonderful relationship with Prentice Coaches in East Lothian (based in Haddington) and were delighted to see our logo and messaging adorning the back of a bus!

Our shops had a largely positive year with sales of well over £100,000 from our Leith shop, and an increase in sales from our book shop following a move to a new home in Canonmills. In total the shops generated £618,000, an increase of 11% on the previous year. 2019/20 also saw significant growth in Gift Aid take up across our shops.

Our Lottery continues to be a popular way for supporters to engage with the Hospice, with over £170,000 generated in net profit in 2019/20. Alongside our lottery, regular raffles continue to work well, as does the sale of new goods including Christmas cards, calendars and gifts.

Shopping bags icon

Shop sales

Fundraising from Royal High School

Our brand and name are at the heart of our communications and in 2019/20 we saw the completion of an exercise to look at what our key stakeholders (service users, staff, volunteers, supporters) thought about how we present and talk about the work of the Hospice. This resulted in a move to “St Columba’s Hospice Care”, with the “Care” addition better explaining our full range of services, many of which are not bound to the building itself. Work was carried out to roll-out this new branding and name, with changes to our website, signage, and overall branding.

Alongside this branding work, a busy year was seen in terms of promoting our key events and fundraising activities, helping our service colleagues develop and produce patient and family materials and continuing to ensure our social media presence was engaging and relevant.

A runner with their medal from the Edinburgh Marathon Festival