Our Care at Home team provides personal care and support for people who have recieved a life-limiting diagnosis or when they are approaching the end of their life. Our aim is to help people remain as independent as possible for as long as possible and prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital.
For patients waiting for a package of care from their Local Authority, we will support until appropriate care provision can be sourced.
Our team can support with:
Our Community Palliative Care Team supports people with a life limiting illness, to remain in their own place of residence, working alongside the wider health and social care team network.
The team includes a consultant in palliative medicine, clinical nurse specialists, staff nurses, an occupational therapist and doctors who deliver care in-person and through virtual support.
Our team can support people with:
Our Virtual Ward supports patients with complex palliative care needs in their own home or usual place of residence. Our team work together with District Nursing and Marie Curie Rapid Response teams to deliver enhanced levels of care and support in the local community.
For more information, or to make a referral, please call our Access Team directly on 0131 551 7751 available Mon-Fri 9am-5pm (excluding public holidays) or email access@stcolumbashospice.org.uk