Find out how our Wellbeing service can support you and your family.
An important part of living well with a palliative condition is minimising the effects of the condition and its symptoms, and finding ways to continue to participate in daily life.
Our Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Team can help you maintain your independence, and adjust to the physical and emotional changes that you may encounter as your condition progresses.
They can support you to learn techniques to manage symptoms such as breathlessness, fatigue, pain and anxiety, advise on assistive equipment, how to keep active, and help you continue to do the things that are important and meaningful to you
Our Social Workers will help you and those close to you with the practical tasks that need to be taken care of. We’ll help source practical help at home, point you towards advice on debt or income maintenance, help with housing, schools and employers, and offer social and emotional support. Whether you’re thinking about going home or moving to another care setting, our social workers are here for you.
We’re here to support your emotional and spiritual needs. Our counsellors offer a safe space to process what can be complex and overwhelming emotions. Our chaplaincy team offers support to those of all faiths and none, helping consider the biggest questions and talk about your life.
We have a new Access Team, making our services available by phone and online to patients, families and health professionals Monday to Friday on Tel: 0131 551 7751 (0900 to 1600). Advice for health and social care professionals can be found here.
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